07 JUN 2013 by ideonexus
Privacy is Impossible on the Internet
The Internet is a surveillance state. Whether we admit it to ourselves or not, and whether we like it or not, we're being tracked all the time. Google tracks us, both on its pages and on other pages it has access to. Facebook does the same; it even tracks non-Facebook users. Apple tracks us on our iPhones and iPads. One reporter used a tool called Collusion to track who was tracking him;105 companies tracked his Internet use during one 36-hour period.
Sure, we can take measures to pr...Folksonomies: privacy sousveillance
Folksonomies: privacy sousveillance
There are too many companies gathering too much data in too many ways.
24 MAY 2013 by ideonexus
Information Aggregation as Oppression
More and more ordinary people are thrust into a winner-take-all economy. It is a 21st century reprise of the Horatio Alger stories from the 19th century. A token few will find success on Kickstarter or YouTube, while overall wealth is ever more concentrated and social mobility rots. Social media sharers can make all the noise they want, but they forfeit the real wealth and clout needed to be politically powerful. Real wealth and clout instead concentrate ever more on the shrinking island occ...Provocative idea from Lanier that by contributing to social networking sites and financial aggregates we are enslaving ourselves for other's gain.
25 JAN 2011 by ideonexus
Media-User Typology (MUT) Identifies Five Types of Social...
User typesFrequency of useVariety of useTypical activityTypical platformStudiesOther labels
(1) Non-users
No use
No use
Largest of all user types
Non-Internet users, Off the net, Inactives, Non-users, Non-users, Anxiety,
(2) Sporadics
Low use
Low variety
No particular activity, low interest, newcomers
Found in 20 studies
Followers, Sporadics, Laggards, Confused and Adverse, Followers, Indifferents, Indifferent, Media Lite, Average users, Inexperienced experimenters, Risk-averse dou...A table of different Social Media user types and their characteristics.
ToDo: Fixe white space style for this table.